Rules of the organiser


valid for the mass event in the Szczyrk Amphitheatre from 7 to 9 March 2025.

 §1 General Provisions
  1. These rules, further referred to as the “Rules”, are issued by the organiser on the basis of the provisions of the Mass Events Safety Act (ustawa o bezpieczeństwie imprez masowych) of 20 March 2009, published in the Journal of Laws 2018, item 1870 (further referred to as the “MESA”).

  2. These Rules shall apply to the “SnowFest Festival” event to be organised from 7 to 9 March 2025 in Szczyrk.

  3. The organiser of the event is the company Go Fest Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw (postal code: 03-107), ul. Stasinek 7, entered in the National Company Register (Krajowy Rejestr Przedsiębiorców) by the Warsaw District Court (Sąd Rejonowy dla M. St. Warszawy w Warszawie) under the company number (KRS) 0000492433, further referred to as the “Organiser”.

  4. All participants of the event and to all other persons staying on the premises of the event are obliged to read these Rules and to strictly observe them.

  5. These Rules are intended to ensure safety by specifying: the conduct of the participants on the event premises, their use of the event premises and facilities, and their rights and obligations related to buying the entry ticket for the event.

  6. The following expressions used in these Rules shall have the meaning provided below:

    1. Event Premises – the premises of the culture and entertainment object “Amphitheatre” (Amfiteatr), located in Szczyrk, ul. Wypoczynkowa, where the Event shall be held. Admission to the Event Premises shall be limited to Event Participants with valid ID badges.,

    2. Ticket – document confirming the right to enter the Event Premises or the Afterparty Zone. Tickets shall be filled in at the entrance to the Event Premises and exchanged for ID badges.

    3. Event Participant – any person participating in the Event and holding a valid ID Badge,

    4. ID Badge – a single-use wristband, marked by a unique graphic element to be determined by the Organiser, issued at the entrance to the Event Premises to Event Participants with valid Tickets. Each ID Badge shall be issued for one Event Participant only. Damaged or torn ID Badges shall be invalid. It is not allowed to provide your personal ID Badge to another person,

    5. Minor – any Event Participant under the age of 16. Minors shall receive ID Badges in a different colour or with a different graphic element. Minors may only participate in the Event accompanied by an adult. The adults shall be responsible for the Minors under their care during the Event.

    6. Security and Information Team – persons responsible for maintaining order and safety of the Event Participants and for controlling entry to the Event Premises. Members of the Security and Information Team shall wear ID Badges in a visible place, containing the following information: name, stamp and signature of the issuing person, ID number and photo of the holder.

    7. No Entry Zone – the zone including the stage, the backstage, the production zone, artists’ dressing rooms, technical and administrative areas of the Amphitheatre, and after 11 pm – also its building and stands.

§2 Ticket Sale
  1. The main ticket sale operator is GOING Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (limited liability company) with its registered office in Warsaw, ul. Jana Szymczaka 3/36, 01-227 Warszawa, entered in the National Company Register under the company number (KRS) 0000588000, whose registration documents are kept by the Warsaw District Court, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, statistical number (REGON): 363058596, VAT registration number (NIP): 5272751272, acting on the basis of its Agreement with the Organiser.

  2. Additional ticket sale operators are:

    1. eBilet Polska Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, with its registered office in Warsaw, ul. Żelazna 51/53, 00-841 Warszawa, entered in the National Company Register under the company number (KRS) 0000496514, whose registration documents are kept by the Warsaw District Court, 13th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, statistical number (REGON): 147085850, VAT registration number (NIP): 9512376701, acting on the basis of its Agreement with the Organiser,

    2. BPM Media Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, with its registered office in Poznań, ul. Głogowska 31/33, 60-702 Poznań, entered in the National Company Register under the company number (KRS) 0000352132, whose registration documents are kept by the Poznań District Court for Nowe Miasto and Wilda, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, statistical number (REGON): 301386541, VAT registration number (NIP): 9721211542, acting on the basis of its Agreement with the Organiser.

  3. Tickets shall be sold by the following channels:

    1. Online sale:



      3. Mobile app: „Going.”




    2. Sale at the entrance to the Event Premises.

  4. Tickets may be sold only at the price indicated in the offer of the sales channels according to section 2. Selling the Tickets at any other price is prohibited.

  5. Tickets may have the form of a 5-digit entry code, a QR code or a printout of the order delivered by the Operator.

  6. The Organiser informs that according to Art. 133 of the Act of 20 May 1971 – the Penal Code “Any person who buys entry tickets for art, entertainment or sports events in order to resell them at a profit or any person who resells such tickets at a profit is subject to punishment by arrest, limitation of liberty or fine”. The same applies to any attempts at reselling tickets at a profit and aiding and abetting in such resale”.

  7. Minors under the age of 10 do not require any Tickets.

  8. At the entrance to the Event Premises, the Tickets bought by the Participants shall be exchanged for their ID Badges. The Participants are obliged to make sure their ID Badges remain undamaged for the duration of the Event.

  9. In case of any circumstances resulting from the current epidemiological situation, the provisions of section 1 §5 shall apply.

§3 Admission to the Event Premises
  1. Only Participants with valid and undamaged ID Badges with the unique graphic element of the Event shall be admitted to the Event Premises.

  2. The Organiser may refuse admission to the Event Premises to individual Participants:

    1. if a valid court order has been issued against such Participants, prohibiting them from admission to any mass events or obliging them to keep away from their premises in conjunction with a suspended prison sentence or in – case of minors – pursuant to Art. 6(2) of the Juvenile Proceedings Act of 26 October 1982, or if an international ban or club ban has been issued to the Participant under the MESA,

    2. if the Participants are not entitled to stay on the Event Premises,

    3. if the Participants refuse to confirm their identity on the Event Premises by showing an official document at the request of the Security Team,

    4. if the Participants are under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants or psychoactive medication,

    5. if the Participants attempt to bring a weapon or any other dangerous items to the Event Premises, including explosives and fireworks, alcoholic beverages, intoxicants or psychoactive medication or any other items that – in the opinion of the Security and Information Team – may pose a threat to other Event Participants.

    6. if the Participants refuse to show the contents of their personal baggage and pockets of their clothes.

    7. if the Participants behave in a provocative or aggressive way or compromise the safety of the Event.

  3. In addition, the Organiser may refuse admission to the Event Premises to individual Participants, if:

    1. all Tickets have been sold out,

    2. the Participants are Minors unaccompanied by an adult, as mentioned in § 1(6.5) of these Rules.

  4. Minors under the age of 16 may only enter the Event Premises if accompanied by an adult and remaining under the adult’s care during the Event.


§4 Safety Rules
  1. The Organiser shall ensure safety of the Event Participants through the activities of the Security and Information Team.

  2. The Event Participants are obliged to follow the instructions of the Security and Information Team. Refusal to follow such instructions is only admissible if they are contrary to the laws of the Republic of Poland that apply to the Event Premises.

  3. The Security and Information Team may remove a Participant from the Event Premises:

    1. if the Participant does not follow the provisions of these Rules,

    2. if the Participant behaves in a disorderly or offensive manner and fails to follow the instructions of the Security and Information Team,

    3. if it is found that the Participant is not entitled to stay on the Event Premises.

    4. if it is found that the Participant – contrary to these Rules – has brought to the Event Premises any products bought elsewhere.

    5. if it is found that the Participant – despite earlier control – has brought any weapons or other dangerous items to the Event Premises, including explosives and fireworks, alcoholic beverages, intoxicants or psychoactive medication or any other items that in the opinion of the Security and Information Team may pose a threat to other Event Participants.

  4. The Security and Information Team is entitled to:

    1. verify Event Participants’ entitlement to stay on the Event Premises,

    2. check Event Participants’ identity documents,

    3. check the contents of Event Participants’ baggage and pockets of their clothes,

    4. issue instructions to Event Participants regarding order and safety,

    5. use physical force in the form of incapacitating holds and similar defence techniques in case of danger to any property under protection or in order to counter an assault on any member of the Security and Information Team or on any other person, pursuant to Art. 38 of the Personal and Property Protection Act of 22 August 1997 (Journal of Laws number 114, item 740, as amended),

    6. apprehend, in order to immediately hand over to the Police any persons posing a direct threat to any property under protection or any persons committing an offence,

    7. remove from the Event Premises any persons who are not sober.

  5. In the absence of circumstances resulting from the current epidemiological situation (see section 1(5) above), holders of valid Tickets who have been refused admission to or removed from the Event Premises shall not be entitled to a refund of the Ticket price.

  6. Pursuant to Art. 15 of the Mass Events Safety Act, the Organiser may make video and audio recordings of the Event. Any such recordings may be used as evidence for launching proceedings in criminal or petty offence cases.

  7. The Organiser shall ensure safety of all persons present, as well as order during the Event, among other things by:

    1. the Security and Information Team wearing easily identifiable clothing elements,

    2. appointing a Security Manager in charge of supervising the Security and Information Team and organising its work,

    3. providing medical aid and sanitary facilities;

  8. The Event Participants and any other persons present on the Event Premises are obliged to follow the instructions of the Security and Information Team and the Security Manager. Refusal to follow such instructions is only admissible if they are contrary to the applicable laws and regulations.

  9. The Event Participants and any other persons present on the Event Premises are obliged to behave in a way that poses no threat to other persons present on the Event Premises. It is forbidden to destroy any property on the Event Premises. The Event Participants are obliged to use the sanitary facilities according to their intended purpose.

  10. The Event Participants are obliged to wear a valid ID Badge on their wrist. If any Event Participant has no ID Badge or has a damaged or torn ID Badge or is not wearing it on the wrist, such circumstance alone shall not be deemed a sufficient reason to remove the Event Participant from the Event Premises. Any damaged or torn ID Badge must be immediately reported to the Security and Information Team at the entrance to the Event Premises, and it shall be replaced for a new one that will be fastened on the Participant’s wrist. Only ID Badges damaged on the Event Premises shall be subject to replacement.


§5 Epidemiological Restrictions
  1. In case of cancellation of the Event on the basis of a valid decision of the local authorities due to the current epidemiological situation, all Event Participants who have bought Tickets for the SnowFest Festival 2025 Event shall be entitled to refunds of the Ticket price according to the complaint procedure of the sales operator they bought the Tickets from. The Ticket price shall be refunded within 30 days of the day of filing a refund application. Such cancelation decision of the local authorities shall be published by the Organiser on the official website and on at any time before the Event begins.


§6 Criminal Liability
  1. Any person who fails to follow the instructions of the Security and Information Team regarding order and safety, issued on the basis of the MESA, shall be subject to punishment by limitation of liberty or fine of at least PLN 2,000. 

  2. Any person staying in a place not intended for the public shall be subject to punishment by limitation of liberty or fine of at least PLN 2,000. 

  3. Any person who fails to follow the instructions of the Police or Military Police on the Event Premises during the Event shall be subject to punishment by limitation of liberty or fine of at least PLN 2,000. 

  4. Any person who – contrary to the provisions of the MESA – brings to the Event Premises or is in possession of alcoholic beverages at a mass event shall be subject to punishment by limitation of liberty or fine of at least PLN 2,000. 

  5. Any person who brings to the Event Premises or is in possession of any weapons in the meaning of the Weapons and Ammunition Act of 21 May 1999 (Journal of Laws 2004 number 52, item 525, as amended) or any fireworks, materials posing a fire hazard or any other dangerous items, such as explosives, shall be subject to punishment by a fine equal at least 180 times the daily fine rate or by deprivation of liberty from 3 months to 5 years. 

  6. Any person who during a mass event throws an object that might pose a threat to life, health or safety of any persons present on the Event Premises or in the object where the mass event is taking place, or any person who otherwise disrupts the Event shall be subject to punishment by a fine equal at least 120 times the daily fine rate or by deprivation of liberty of up to 2 years. 

  7. Any person who physically assaults a member of the Security and Information Team at the time and place of a mass event shall be subject to punishment by a fine equal at least 120 times the daily fine rate or by deprivation of liberty of up to 2 years.


§7 Concluding Provisions
  1. The Organiser shall not be liable for any consequences of a force majeure event.

  2. The Organiser shall make photo and video records the Event and reserves itself the right to use the recorded images of the Event Participants in the advertising and promotional materials of the SnowFest Festival Event for indefinite time.

  3. The Organiser reserves itself the right to change the programme of the Event, both before and after it begins, in case of a force majeure event. Details of such changes shall be published on the official website with immediate effect.

  4. During the Event, Participants may be exposed to very loud sounds in some zones, which may impair their hearing. The Organiser shall not be liable for any hearing impairment due to exposure to loud music or noise on the Event Premises.

  5. Once bought, Tickets can only be exchanged or refunded according to section 1 §5.

  6. The Security and Information Team may issue its own safety and fire safety instructions in line with the applicable laws and regulations.

  7. Any complaints may be filed in writing within 14 days of the end of the Event to the postal address Go Fest Sp. z o.o., ul. Stasinek 7, 03-107 Warszawa.

  8. These Rules shall be available on the official website: and in the ticket office on the Event Premises.

  9. These Rules shall come into effect on 11 October 2023.

  10. In any matters not regulated by these Rules, the provisions of the Mass Events Safety Act shall apply.

Szczyrk, 10 October 2023


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